Warm-Up - 6reps x 4 sets @75lb dumbbell:

-Hang Clean
-Push Press
-Front Squat
-Barbell Squat
Then you took a quick breather... and off to the real workout. You're supposed to do 100 reps as fast as your can @ 60% of your body weight, which would have been 102, or rounded to 105lbs but I am not ready for that weight.. YET but I will be soon. Basically they're barbell burpees. I started in push-up position on a barbell with 95lbs, hop up - hang clean to push press then back down to push-up position. That was ONE. 95lbs was tough, I did 35 @ 95lbs, and did the last 15 @ 75lbs. BRUTALLY AWESOME!
Then later in the day, I went to the cycling team spin session, which felt really good and hard. Sweat EVERYWHERE! :) That was about 90 minutes, 60 minutes of which was the tough stuff. Monday I will b

After that, Jimbo and I finished off the workout from earlier. I did my final 50 barbell burpees @ 75lbs... and whew! That makes you sweat a substantial amount. DAAAANG. I recommend trying it, but adjust the weight so you can complete it, and make sure you know the proper form of the exercises first to avoid injury. We don't like injuries.
WEEKEND! Cheers.
I remember faintly doing something similar to this. I believe it was at 45 lbs. and far fewer reps, but still killer.