Okay, okay, I know, I've been slacking when it comes to keeping up with this blog thing lately, but I've been nonstop it feels since I have returned from Spring Break. Speaking of Spring Break, I have not even written about it, what the heck! Here is a short recap of Spring Break 2011:
Jimbo, his pops, and I drove to Georgia . Jimbo and I did the Tough Mudder at Highlands Park and dominated. Immediately upon finishing, we drove down to Jimbo's grandparent's place in Meridian, Georgia. We stayed there the whole week of Spring Break. We went out the boat in the intercoastal, rode our bikes from Meridian to Jekyll Island and St. Simon's Island, had a major epic fail when we tried to go kayaking, enjoyed the sun, and slept outside on the back patio. We spent quite a bit of time on the bikes, however, the roads soon became monotonous because there was one way to and from his grandparent's house and it was about 10 miles to get to different roads. We also watched BATTLE: LOS ANGELES! It was so awesome! I want to see it again. Action was nonstop right from the get-go. YEAH! I also bought a new pair of Vibrams- the Sprint! They're so comfortable.
The boat was a lot of fun because it had literally been YEARS since I've been on a boat. It was neat being able to let the wind go through what little hair I had and just look at the scenary. Legit ;)
There was not as much beach as I was visualizing in my head, it was mainly marsh land in the surrounding areas near his grandparent's place, which was why Jimbo and I rode to Jekyll and St. Simon's Islands, to get a change of scenary and see the beach!
It was a good time, for sure, and his grandparents were so welcoming, but I was definitely ready to get back to my own 'routine' I guess you would say and do things on my terms when I wanted to. We arrived back in KY with a sort of heat wave on Saturday evening March 19. It was in the 60s and 70s, everyone had thought spring had sprung! The little tease of warm weather would only be around for a couple days and then the 40s came back. Drat!
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