Saturday, April 23, 2011

Simple thoughts on minimalism and running update

Lately I have been really digging deep on my thoughts about the concept of minimalist running. I am definitely all for it, having two pairs of Vibram FiveFingers (KSO and Sprint), Nike Free Runs, and Saucony Kinvaras. Right now I do not intentionally run in any of them to please my mother (love you), but I simply wear them for as every day shoes, walk around and do non-running related workouts in them - cross-training, awesome abs class, weight-lifting, etc. I also have a pair of Mizuno Wave Rider (not-minimalist) but lately running in them has kind of been painful. I am thinking that it has to do with my feet and lower leg muscles becoming stronger due to using the VFFs, Frees, and Kinvaras more than 'regular' shoes. Although yesterday my Wave Riders were wet from the day before, so I used my Frees just for an 8 mile stroll and it felt SO good and natural. So I think that I will probably make the switch to minimal running shoes soon... :)

I have been focusing a lot more on my running technique and form, not so much speed lately, because I need to develop a strong base. I am not doing what the guy in the picture does (he is landing on his heel) I have been focusing on making sure my form is right and most efficient - mid-foot strike/fore-foot natural strike, NOT heel to toe. I have also been focusing on cadence, too. 1-2-3-4, quick strides, not necessarily long strides because then it becomes 1....2... and I'd rather get my form down and not be so hoppy and inefficient. The speed and proper longer strides will come with more training and base of proper technique. And I tell you what, focusing on form and technique has made a world of difference in the way I feel while running! Like I said, I have not been focusing on speed, so these distances and times are not completely on the faster side.

(Left map) Friday 8.11 miles (1:00)

Saturday 7 miles (0:54) (Right map)

I have been putting much thought into running lately and have been reading the blog of top ultra-distance runners like Anton Krupicka to see what I need to do in order to become a great ultra runner that was I can finish the World's Toughest Mudder and do other exciting races like Leadville 100Mile Trail run, possibly the American River 50Miler, Western States 100, and more. I also really am diggin' Anton Krupicka's thoughts on minimalist running and how he says that he prefers to be as in-tune with the ground as possible to allow for a more natural feeling since humans are meant to run.

Today during my run, it was almost 80 degrees, so I decided to take a water bottle, but I did not want to completely have to hold onto it for the whole run. I do not have an Amphipod bottle or Nathan bottle that has one of the hand straps on it, so I took a string from an old pair of shorts and ghetto-rigged a hand strap onto a bottle. It works for now, but maybe after a couple stellar results in races I'll be able to pick up a hydration sponsor or a pro-deal! ;)

I'm really liking the idea that I can put up my running (or riding) routes on here using screen capture! Awesome! I just might keep doing that.

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