Monday, February 28, 2011

First Race Weekend...

Friday night, I was getting all of my gear together for Saturday when I noticed my front tire had a flat. First thing I thought... oooo great... At the same time, Jimbo was dealing with issues on his road bike... he ended up racing his cyclo-cross bike, just like me.. C for Cross bike! The Lindsey Wilson home road race was the first weekend of the MWCCC road season. It was interesting to say the least. It was also my first road type events in almost two years and I tell you what... I'm glad I did not race the category I was in two years ago, I would have been humiliated.
Speaking of humiliated, I kind of felt that way during the team time trial and road race on Saturday. It was cold Saturday morning, and Jimbo and I rode to the time trial course which was a good six to seven miles away, which felt like forever since I was FREEZING! I warmed up a little bit before the race,but by the time the racestarted, my teeth were chattering, legs and arms were shivering and I felt like I was in Alaska or something. My legs and lungs felt really good during the race. I was racing with Nick, Taylor, and Matt in the Men's B TTT. The timing worked out so that at almost every hill, I was the guy in the front pulling the pacing us up the hills. We weregoing very strong going towards the turn-around point, got past it, then Matt dropped off, which kind of stinks because he did not even communicate it or give a really super hard explosive last pull like we talked about if someone was going to fall off. My turn came to be at the front again, and at this point my legs and lungs were still feeling great, but I could barely hold onto the handlebars because I had lost feeling in both arms up to my forearms. I gave a solid last pull, thenhad to let Nick and Taylor go because I did not wantto risk wrecking them because I was numb up to my forearms and could not shift or really hold on to the bars. Results were not posted, but I heard that our team ended up getting second place :)
I had a little while after the TTT to rest and try to get myself ready for the road race. I felt fine when I got there, especially since the weather had warmed up some since the TTT. Race time came around and our plan was to try to get a small breakaway at Snake Creek. It did not work out as planned. Zach and Andrew blew up at Snake Creek, while Jimbo, Reed and I were with the pack. After Snake Creek, I moved up towards the front of the pack and basically tried to control the pace and catch any attacks. By the third climb, I had spent so much time up front in the wind, that my legs were toast. I ended up falling about 20 seconds behind the pack and could see them, which was devastating because they were within reach, but I could not get there. I closed the gap down to about five seconds, and then Little Cake (the last climb of our race) came and I slowly rode up to the finish. I do not even know what I placed, but I finished. It was a lesson in itself because I am going to try to stay in the middle of the pack and let everyone else do the work (what I had done during that race up until I blew up). Jimbo had great strategy in our race. He did just that, he sat in the pack for almost the whole race and ended up getting 2nd place! Smart man. After the road race, I was extremely hungry and tired. Felt exhausted. Ate some grub, put on some compression socks and rested.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling pretty fresh. Got to the Crit course, bike was in order, everything was fine. Ended up getting a front row spot on the starting line. YES! Our field had 30 or 40
people in it, so staying near the front was VITAL. The race went off and yet again, I found myself near the front of the pack doing work again. First bell lap came around and I got 2nd place points for it. The second bell lap came around and I was in 4th across the line, not sure if that earned any points, but I tried. After the second bell lap, it started POURING rain on us. It felt amazing! about five minutes later, it stopped. The rest of the race was rain-free, although the ground was very wet during the whole race. I ended up getting 5th place in the Crit. I was within reach of the top 4, but couldn't get to them at the same time. I think it was a successful race. Criteriums are always so much fun. :)

This coming weekend is at Ohio State University. I am very excited to race again.

Good stuff and more to come.

P.S. I do not know what is wrong with the formatting on here, I tried to fix it several time, but the text keeps ending up weird.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well, the title of this post sums it up. It's been crazy the past couple weeks. I have not had much time to hang out with friends besides the roommates because of work, training, and then by the time I get to my room, I'm drained. Sorry to those people who I've been absent from lately. I've been trying to organize things and create some sort of routine that includes lots of friend time, but it doesn't work so well when I'm wiped out. Today, spent about 6 hours working at the HWC between office stuff, personal training with Penny!, and Awesome Abs, and then like 3.5 hours at the HWC playing racquetball and working out. Legit.

Anywho, Lindsey Wilson Collegiate Cycling Races this weekend include: Team Time Trial, Road Race, and Criterium. More excited than nervous. I am doing the Men's B TTT, and Men's C Road Race and Criterium. I know, I know... Men's C? for real? Yeah, for this race... it's been TWO years almost since my last road race, PLUS I am racing on an aluminum cyclocross bike
compared to most people who race carbon road bikes... Yeah. I am looking at it as a challenge, but mainly as fun. If all goes well this weekend, I'll probably end up upgrading to Men's B (Cat 3) but I'm not putting any pressure on myself. Just FUN for me, please.... oh and Warm weather is a plus ;)

Spring Break approaches closer and closer and I still am not 100000% percent sure what I am doing. And it's kind of exciting. I may be going to Jekyll Island, but I may not! I'll know the week before break. Awesome Abs class has jumped in attendance numbers. This week, 34 people have come. Monday was 20 and tonight (Wednesday) was 14, if I am recalling correctly. THAT ROCKS! Free attendance for Lindsey Wilson students, sooooo LWC students come to group fitness classes at the HWC!!

I've also been working on getting my finances in order.. slowly but surely. Makes me feel sophisticated and successful, in some sort of way..... buttttttt I'm out for now. have to finish some Senior Seminar posts for class. Yay.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

thank goodness that's over.

Well, I realize I haven't posted on here in a long time (or so it seems like a long time to me) but that is mainly because I've been out of commission for the most part due to some sort of stupid sickness. Finally, though, after many days of yo-yo-ing back and forth of feeling bad, then feeling well, then bad again... I am finally, once again,feeling better.. and this time, FOR GOOD.
I do not become ill very often, but I guess when I do, it beats me up pretty good, but whatever.

I moved into the new room into the Smith building and it is pretty nice. Finally have roommates that talk to each other and me. We all get along much better than the previous room I was in. There are so many bikes in this room, it's crazy.

So I decided against doing the Tough Mudder race with Jimbo for Spring Break, so I am now looking for different Spring Break plans... I think part of the reason why I decided against it was the fact that like so many races and events I did last year (triathlons, duathlons, half
marathons, half IronMan races, etc)... I would have had only about 1.5-2 months to prepare for it. I think I am finished with half-assing training preparation for big events like that, plus I
want to give myself more than two months to get into the right mindset, the right groove, etc. So I think I made a smart decision, although it would have been SUPER fun, no doubt.

Collegiate Road season is right around the corner and starts... the last weekend of February. The first race weekend is here at Lindsey Wilson College. There is a Team Time Trial and a Road Race on that Saturday, followed by a Criterium on Sunday. I am going to be doing this season on a cyclocross bike! BooYah! Updates and pictures to follow once the season is here.

Valentine's Day was exciting, especially since Hannah was my Valentine :) I thought it was super fun, even with both of us having a super busy day.

One of my acronyms that I created is G.Y.S.T. I thought of this because there are times when I
am very well put together in terms of organization, time management, training, and focus and everything, and then there are times that I am not any of that at all.... so I write down and
remind myself to GET YOUR SH!T TOGETHER. It makes me re-focus and laugh at the same time... so use that if you want/need.. it works for me. Lately, well... since IM Austin, I've been searching for that motivating factor... and I try to use this, like I said, to help re-focus.... so, we shall see.

Anywho. Glad to be back on the blogging world again.

Cheerrioos Mates

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Yesterday (Friday) was an intense calorie burn day. I do not know the number, but I am pretty sure it was very high. In the morning I did this workout that Big Dog Schmidty and Toby recommended. Although I was told I had to sub for someone at work, so that limited my time and I was only able to get half done in the morning. It consisted of:
Warm-Up - 6reps x 4 sets @75lb dumbbell:
-Hang Clean
-Push Press
-Front Squat
-Barbell Squat

Then you took a quick breather... and off to the real workout. You're supposed to do 100 reps as fast as your can @ 60% of your body weight, which would have been 102, or rounded to 105lbs but I am not ready for that weight.. YET but I will be soon. Basically they're barbell burpees. I started in push-up position on a barbell with 95lbs, hop up - hang clean to push press then back down to push-up position. That was ONE. 95lbs was tough, I did 35 @ 95lbs, and did the last 15 @ 75lbs. BRUTALLY AWESOME!

Then later in the day, I went to the cycling team spin session, which felt really good and hard. Sweat EVERYWHERE! :) That was about 90 minutes, 60 minutes of which was the tough stuff. Monday I will be trying to do a maximum power assessment on the bike.. ruh-roh. That makes me kind of nervous since I have not done one of those in a long time. My max used to be like 1750-1800ish when I was at USAFA... we shall see come Monday.

After that, Jimbo and I finished off the workout from earlier. I did my final 50 barbell burpees @ 75lbs... and whew! That makes you sweat a substantial amount. DAAAANG. I recommend trying it, but adjust the weight so you can complete it, and make sure you know the proper form of the exercises first to avoid injury. We don't like injuries.

WEEKEND! Cheers.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pressing Forward

Finally about 100% over this crappy cold that's been spread like wild-fire through campus - dumb. But, I've been putting in a lot of hours at the HWC lately, but that also has to do with Group Fitness classes starting this week, as well, and making sure that everything is a-okay for them. Awesome Abs class... brutally awesome! First night.. only had two people show up (WTF). then last night 11 showed up (FTW!!!) SCHWEET! Tonight is Boot Camp Fitness Class, and it will be intense, too! It will be similar to last semester's Flex Circuit class, only a litttttle different.

Last night's workout was fun and painful... I took the idea from a book I read.
The 4-Hour Body

The book is filled with a bunch of health and fitness tips, most of which are self-experimentation that Tim Ferriss did to himself or had gathered information from colleagues. It's a great read and I think it's rather fun to try some of the stuff out, too. The myotactic crunch.. one of the best things recommended. If you do it right, it is simple, effective, and can be rather painful (in a good way).

I'm still thinking about getting trail running shoes... and Mom mentioned that Saucony had just come out with a trail shoe similar to the Kinvara: Saucony Peregrine (pictured to the right). Doesn't that look sexy! I own the Saucony Kinvara - minimalist Saucony shoe - and I love it. It feels good and I do not have any issues with it, so the Peregrine might be the best bet if I am going to keep running on trails, especially at Green River, Holmes Bend, etc...

Oh man, Wednesday was fitness assessment #3 for one of my Personal Training clients, Hunter. I tell you what, her results are phenomenal, even compared to the improvements from assessment #1 to #2.

Kind of a random post, I know, but it's all good. Continue living.