Tuesday, February 15, 2011

thank goodness that's over.

Well, I realize I haven't posted on here in a long time (or so it seems like a long time to me) but that is mainly because I've been out of commission for the most part due to some sort of stupid sickness. Finally, though, after many days of yo-yo-ing back and forth of feeling bad, then feeling well, then bad again... I am finally, once again,feeling better.. and this time, FOR GOOD.
I do not become ill very often, but I guess when I do, it beats me up pretty good, but whatever.

I moved into the new room into the Smith building and it is pretty nice. Finally have roommates that talk to each other and me. We all get along much better than the previous room I was in. There are so many bikes in this room, it's crazy.

So I decided against doing the Tough Mudder race with Jimbo for Spring Break, so I am now looking for different Spring Break plans... I think part of the reason why I decided against it was the fact that like so many races and events I did last year (triathlons, duathlons, half
marathons, half IronMan races, etc)... I would have had only about 1.5-2 months to prepare for it. I think I am finished with half-assing training preparation for big events like that, plus I
want to give myself more than two months to get into the right mindset, the right groove, etc. So I think I made a smart decision, although it would have been SUPER fun, no doubt.

Collegiate Road season is right around the corner and starts... the last weekend of February. The first race weekend is here at Lindsey Wilson College. There is a Team Time Trial and a Road Race on that Saturday, followed by a Criterium on Sunday. I am going to be doing this season on a cyclocross bike! BooYah! Updates and pictures to follow once the season is here.

Valentine's Day was exciting, especially since Hannah was my Valentine :) I thought it was super fun, even with both of us having a super busy day.

One of my acronyms that I created is G.Y.S.T. I thought of this because there are times when I
am very well put together in terms of organization, time management, training, and focus and everything, and then there are times that I am not any of that at all.... so I write down and
remind myself to GET YOUR SH!T TOGETHER. It makes me re-focus and laugh at the same time... so use that if you want/need.. it works for me. Lately, well... since IM Austin, I've been searching for that motivating factor... and I try to use this, like I said, to help re-focus.... so, we shall see.

Anywho. Glad to be back on the blogging world again.

Cheerrioos Mates

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